Since 1991, the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation’s Bring One for the Chipper event remains the largest tree recycling event in the nation. The Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation, in partnership with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, spearheads the Christmas tree recycling program by bringing together news media, local governments, businesses and industries to educate Georgians about the benefits of recycling and environmental conservation.
2020 Results
78,237 trees were collected in total. Of these, 40,872 were recycled into mulch for playgrounds, city and county landscaping projects, and individual homes.
1471 trees were sunk into lakes across the state to provide fish habitats. 2,668 were used for fuel or other uses.
38 local governments and/or organizations participated.
148 Collection sites were set up throughout the state
976 volunteers donated 4,814 hours of time.
Davey Tree Experts chipped 60,770 trees in Metro Atlanta
Since the start of the program, we have diverted over 6 million Christmas trees for landfills.
Public-Private Partnership
A public/private partnership between The Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation, The Home Depot, Davey Tree Expert Company, Georgia Forestry Commission, 11 Alive, Ferry Morse Seed Company and Burpee Seed Company funds the program.
Objectives, Strategies and Goals
Program objectives include public education, producing mulch for water conservation in landscaping and erosion control, raising citizen awareness of environmental issues and solutions, and giving residents an opportunity to play an active role in a solid waste solution.
Our strategies for success: forming partnerships with private and public organization and local volunteers to create citizen awareness of individual responsibility towards recycling; involving communities throughout the state of Georgia; and implementing a statewide media action plan including print, radio, and television coverage.
Program activites include:
Educating the public on recycling and conservation by creating an environmental tradition:
Raising awareness of environmental solutions: many Chipper events have evolved into dual electronics recycling events in Georgia to build on the message of environmental stewardship;
Identifying sponsors as leaders in promoting soluntions to environmental problems;
Preventing roadside dumping, thus promoting a cleaner and more beautiful environment;
Providing mulch for soil enhancement and erosion control;
Properly placing trees in marine and natural areas to provide fish and wildlife habitat.
Here in Rabun County, we start collecting Christmas trees the day after Christmas throughout January at all of our recycling centers. Residents may bring their trees and then receive seed packets for planting complimentary of Burpee Seed Company and Ferry Morse Seed Company. Also in January there will be available red oak and dogwood seedlings.