Hi Friend,
Cleaner land. Cleaner water. Cleaner air.
I’m not alone in putting these three things on my holiday list this year. Thousands of Keep America Beautiful® volunteers across the United States are doing the same. They are also getting ready to turn their holiday wishes into reality. They need your support!
From a child in Nebraska picking up litter in his own community to volunteer teams cleaning the Tennessee River Watershed, Keep America Beautiful volunteers are working to create lasting change in their community. Each Keep America Beautiful project is an act of kindness that inspires others to get involved.
Can you support the work of the thousands of volunteers?
Working through a network of more than 650 affiliates in over 2,500 neighborhoods, we will be supporting our 2021 volunteers by:
- Providing grants for tree planting in communities.
- Developing ecological service-learning and leadership programs for youth leaders.
- Purchasing supplies for national & international cleanup programs.
Every single gift is an invaluable resource. Each provides much-needed funding for greening, cleaning, and beautifying.
Please show your support now.
Your help means we can #DoBeautifulThings together!
Many thanks,
Helen Lowman
President & CEO
Keep America Beautiful